We're on a mission to unlock growth in the art world

The global art market suffers from a lack of reliable data, hindering growth and participation

Crucial information about artworks, from provenance and ownership details to logistics and condition reports, is scattered, hard to access and shared informally around the art world. This all leads to greater risks and inefficiencies.

Imagine the financial sector still relying on paper stock certificates. The costs and risks resulting from manual processes, constant reverification and forgeries would mean the markets could only handle a fraction of the value and volume that is traded today. That is the present reality facing the art world.

This lack of reliable information explains a paradox in the market; despite a doubling of High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) wealth in the last decade, the global art market has remained stagnant.

Global art market sales vs HNWI wealth
Artclear leadership team

About Artclear

Digital Asset Management for Art

Coming from the world of payments and settlement of high-value financial transactions, Artclear’s founders saw the art market’s pain points: high transaction costs and the continual re-verification of artworks and their associated information. The industry’s infrastructure lacked the security and accessibility of modern financial systems.

In order to provide a secure digital asset management system for art, they realised that the vital component was a means by which to forensically connect physical artworks to verified digital records. Partnering with HP Inc, Artclear has developed its exclusive fingerprinting technology which is specially designed for the art industry.

Client satisfaction

Lectus dictum velit miharetra vitae tincidunt enim auctor es.


Team members

Ectus dictum velit miharetra vitae tincidunt enim auctor es.


Active users

Ectus dictum velit miharetra vitae tincidunt enim auctor es.


Artclear's Solution

Using our fingerprinting technology to link verified information to individual artworks, we enable:

  • Fast identification of physical artworks with forensic levels of certainty.
  • Secure management and sharing of information about artworks within and between organisations.
  • Easy verification of shared information, even between unknown third parties.
Artclear scanner and artwork


Artclear’s solution benefits all stakeholders in the art world, from established institutions and industry service providers to individual artists and collectors. This secure, data-driven infrastructure promotes:

  • Increased confidence for buyers and sellers at all levels.
  • Improved efficiency throughout the art market supply chain.
  • Reduced risk of fraud and errors.
  • Greater liquidity for artworks.
  • New opportunities for innovation and growth across the industry.

Advisory Committees

Throughout its development Artclear has been supported by Market and Technical advisory committees. Members provide strategic and operational advice and design input to the development of the Artclear scanner and registry. They sit on the committees in a personal capacity.

Market Advisory Committee

Formed of 14 advisors from leading galleries, museums, logistics specialists, lawyers, collectors and insurers

Technical Advisory Committee

Members are expert technologists from leading technology companies and academia