The Artclear Fingerprint

Linking Physical to Digital

Unbreakable Proof

The Artclear Fingerprint

Our unique solution to indelibly link physical works of art to digital records.

An Artclear fingerprint is a unique digital code derived from the distinct physical properties of each artwork.

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Digital fingerprint for art

Generating a Fingerprint

Generating a fingerprint step 1
Step 1

Using Our Scanner

Fingerprints are generated by taking microscopic images of an artwork using a specially designed Artclear scanner

Step 2

Capturing Image Data

Scan images are fingerprinted using patented technology developed by HP Inc, licensed solely to Artclear

Generating a fingerprint step 2
Generating a fingerprint step 3
Step 3

Artwork Identification

Rescans recall registered fingerprints to determine if the artwork is the one originally scanned

HP Inc

“As the sole worldwide licensee of HP’s patented forensic imaging technology, Artclear will transform the global fine art market”

Dan Croft, Global Head of IP Sales and Licensing, HP Inc

Power To See the Invisible

The Artclear Scanner

  • Unmatched Precision
    Scanners provide forensic quality results across a range of artworks including paintings, photographs, prints and multiples.
  • Nonintrusive Technology
    The scanners never touch the artworks and can even scan through glass.
  • Consistent
    Automated features ensure secure and reliable scans each time, compensating for changes in light, reflection, hanging angle and canvas restretching.
  • Fast and Portable
    Scans complete in 10 minutes and can be carried out in situ, so artworks do not need to leave your possession.
Artclear scanner with artwork

Artclear Fingerprint Technology in Context

The Artclear Fingerprint and scanning process has been specially designed to meet the unique needs of the art world, providing secure and permanent identities for physical artworks that do not impact the integrity of the object.
Artclear Fingerprint QR Code DNA Tags RFID & NFC Tags Smartphone Apps Other Scanners Physical Marking
Permanent Link
Portable Solution
Forensic Certainty*
Nonintrusive Technology
Identification in Frame and Under Glass
Fast Identification (~10 minutes)
Consistent Re-Identification**
* Less than 1:1 billion chances of a false identification
** Compensating for changes in light,reflection, hanging angle, and canvas restretching to accurately identify artworks